November 28, 2016
Nishi Whiteley
(512) 658-3836
lane at mychronicrelief dot com
Medical Cannabis Guide Book Bridges the Gap between Science and Safe Use
Austin, Texas – The newly released book Chronic Relief: A Guide to Cannabis for the Terminally & Chronically Ill serves as a great resource for the cannabis curious. After seeing the relief cannabis provided her mother at the end of her battle with lung cancer, author Nishi Whiteley was inspired to share what she learned so others would benefit from her mother’s experience.
The book bridges the gap between science and practical application translating medical science into layman’s terms in a way that patients and their caregivers can understand and use to decide if cannabis is right for them and if so how to use it safely. Whiteley says, “The book explains the reason cannabis is such a versatile and effective medicine is chemical components of the cannabis plant mimic chemicals produced in the human body that are critical to human health performing major biological functions including neuroprotection, regulating pain and inflammation, stimulating and regulating appetite, controlling nausea and vomiting and more.”
The book will help the reader:
- understand how cannabinoids work in the body
- decide if cannabis is a fit for you
- choose intake methods
- understand risks and harm reduction strategies
- decide where to start in terms of establishing an effective dose
Over 12 cannabis experts have contributed their knowledge to this book! World renowned medical cannabis expert Ethan B. Russo, MD served as the final medical editor for the book and wrote the foreword. Dr. Russo is a board-certified neurologist, psychopharmacology researcher, and former Senior Medical Advisor to GW Pharmaceuticals. He served as study physician to GW Pharmaceuticals for three Phase III clinical trials of Sativex, the world’s only whole plant cannabis pharmaceutical drug.
Dr. Russo says of the book, “Nishi Whiteley has provided a great service in delivering a clear and refreshing voice and orientation to the subject of cannabis, born of necessity, and answering the critical questions: If I or my loved one suffer from an illness that ‘conventional medicine’ has failed to treat adequately, might cannabis help and if so, how would I go about using it properly? In addressing these questions, she has accurately portrayed the scientific literature on cannabis and ‘brought down to Earth’ in a very heartfelt and person account that will be accessible to a much wider audience beyond the academic world.”
Twenty-eight states now have medical cannabis laws and eight states allow for adult use. This represents a tipping point in the mainstream acceptance of cannabis as medicine. Cannabis is one of the most pharmacologically active plants on the planet and one of the safest. Humans have used it for medicine, sacrament and as an intoxicant for thousands of years with NO reported deaths – unlike the situation with opiates.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, over half of American adults report suffering from one or more chronic health issues – most of which may be benefited by use of cannabis or cannabis therapeutics. Whiteley says, “It is time we remove the cloud of shame, secrecy and controversy around the use of this safe and legitimate medicine. This book is intended to help the sick and suffering and their caregivers gain the knowledge they need about cannabis to help them live better and die more comfortably.”
Chronic Relief: A guide to Cannabis for the Terminally and Chronically Ill, is part research paper, personal narrative, guide book and cookbook. It is 333 pages, heavily referenced, and provides considerable resources for the reader who wants to go deeper. It is available for $19.99 at or on Amazon.
(585 words)
Nishi Whiteley (pronounced Nee-sha) is a business development and marketing consultant turned cannabis educator, speaker and author. After seeing the relief cannabis provided her mother at the end of her battle with lung cancer, Whiteley was inspired to share what she has learned so others would benefit from her mother’s experience. She is also the curator of the website
A high-resolution file of the cover is available at
This is so FANTASTIC, I just want to learn more. I have chronic osteoarthritis, hip replacement, knee replacement and both big toe joints done. This condition is all over my body, neck, back and every other joint. Surgery cannot be done now, it is too late. I just need to get through it with some form of being human. Not a vegetable, crying all the time and can’t move. Thank you.
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Ann Dugan
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