What if your child was stricken with 200-300 seizures a day and nothing you did helped? What if your doctor said, “there is NOTHING more for us to do,” and you found yourself at the end of your pharmaceutical rope”? Can you imagine caring for your child every day but not meeting him/or her until they were 10 because their seizures robbed them of their personality?
How far would you go to give your child relief?
Cannabidiol (CBD) Stops the Progression of Epilepsy
Meet the Stanley family and the two young epilepsy patient’s (and their parents) for whom they grow a special strain of cannabis plant (high in cannabidiol) that is used to make cannabis oil they take to help control their seizures.
Each of the young patients profiled in the video have had a 99% or better reduction in their seizures as a direct result of the cannabis oil made for them by the Realm of Caring (http://realmofcaringfoundation.org/).
Realm of Caring – Marijuana Pioneers
The Stanley family, the founders of The Realm of Caring are pioneers in the cannabis industry and have done much to bring legitimacy to the marijuana plant and cannabis industry. They are currently growing a plant with 17% CBD and negligible amounts of THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis. CBD is a potent anti-oxidant, neuroprotectant and analgesic. In addition to helping reduce epilepsy related seizures, CBD is also being recognized for its benefits to those with diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, antibiotic-resistant infections, alcoholism, PSTD and neurological disorders.
Cannabis Science
Cannabis science has barely scratched the surface of all the ways the cannabis plant can help ease and reverse human suffering. Please share this story with anyone you know who is willing to listen!
What a wonderful story. Why don’t more people know about this? Can you imagine the lives that could be changed for the better if such a medicine was available to all children with severe epilepsy?
Right!!! We agree. Hopefully Sanjay Gupta’s special report WEED helped raise awareness.
My husband was diagnosed of Parkinsons disease 2 years ago, when he was 59. He had a stooped posture, tremors, right arm does not move and also a pulsating feeling in his body. He was placed on Senemet for 8 months and then Siferol was introduced and replaced the Senemet, during this time span he was also diagnosed with dementia. He started having hallucinations, lost touch with. Suspecting it was the medication I took him off the Siferol (with the doctor’s knowledge) him on PD natural herbal formula we ordered from TREE OF LIFE HEALTH CLINIC, his symptoms totally declined over a 3 weeks use of the TREE OF LIFE HEALTH Parkinson’s disease natural herbal formula. He is now almost 61 and doing very well, the disease is totally reversed! (w w w. treeoflifeherbalclinic .com)
CBD is a true rock start among cannabinoids. As you mention in the post, it is helping people with so many different types of issues. Thanks for sharing this video. The Stanleys set the bar high!
John – thanks for the comment. We appreciate your engagement on our blog.
I have had Epilepsy for 35 years. The medications that I have been on work to control the seizures, but the long term effects have led me to the decision to use cannabis. I am waiting for my card to arrive in the mail now, but am having a very hard time finding information on how much, what kind, how often, etc. Can anyone help me?
Yes, the folks at the Realm of Healing have been very successful in helping patients with Epilepsy. http://realmofcaring.com/ You might try contacting them.
We look forward to hearing more about your journey. If you would like to connect with us directly, you may email us at lane@mychronicrelief.com. We hope you get the relief you need.
Yes, the Realm of Caring has success in helping those with epilepsy. You may want to reach out to them for information and advice. http:www.realmofcaring.com
If you would like to contact us directly, you may do so at lane@mychronicrelief.com. We hope you get the relief you need and continue to share with us your story and journey.
watched “weed” with dr. gupta…touching and interesting…good work, Stanley brothers, on both the thc and cannabinoid fronts…after watching, I did some reading…came across some info on URB597, (slows enzymatic breakdown of endocannabinoids), and Quinpirol, which mimics dopamine…alone, neither is particularly effective…combined there is a marked effectiveness…I thought of the unsellable weed that turned out to be a virtual wonder drug…if you added CBD to the mix of URB597 and Quinpirol, would it increase the effectiveness of the cocktail? with the heightened receptivity of the endocannabinoid receptors, it seems like flooding the system with CBD might increase positive effects.
Thanks Jerry for your great question. It is an interesting hypothesis that makes sense to me… but I don’t know. It does seem that in many cases, flooding the system with CBD provides beneficial results.
i would love to see the result of this new theory….it could be a bombshell….increasing the positive effect of CBD by mixing it with URB597… hope someone makes a research on this….
since charlotte’s web which is high in CBD and does not cause any psychoactive effect ,,. why can’t it be FDA approved? can this be push as a priority bill for legalization before (MARIJUANA-with high THC?)
is there a study underway for CBD mixed with URB597 and Quinpirol as was suggested by Jerry?
Samson, the big problem is the Schedule I status of cannabis. While there are multiple ways to make CBD legal, my vote is for declassifying it altogether. Then it will be available to all people. And, research will be able to take place easily and freely to answer your question. I’ve tried to find out if a study is underway for CBD mixed with URB597 and Quinpirole but have not found it yet if there is. I do want to say how much more powerful whole plant extracts are versus the isolated cannabinoid. When you are using the whole plant extract, the other cannabinoids, terpenes and active chemicals work together to provide a much stronger therapeutic effect.
Samson http://clinicaltrials.gov/ is a good resrouce to see what clinical trials are in progress. Hope that helps!
Jerry – you raise an interesting question that has other readers wondering the same. Feel free to leave links for URB597 and Quinpirol. This is not something we have yet researched but there is no doubt that there is incredible opportunity for mixing whole plant cannabinoids with other plant-based chemical and pharmaceuticals. Often times, however, cannabis preparations are so effective on their own that adding other chemistry is not necessary. We will see what the future holds. But we do agree with you that flooding the system with CBD in certain cases increased positive effects!
Thank you for reaching out to us. I am really sorry to hear about your suffering. While I am not a doctor, and cannot say for sure if the high CBD oil like what Charlotte takes would work for you, their is compelling evidence to believe so. Cannabis works in the central nervous system and in the immune system to reduce swelling, oxidation and to reduce pain.
Here is an article that may help you. It is about how effective cannabis is for helping manage tremors and rigidity in Parkinson’s patients http://www.medpagetoday.com/MeetingCoverage/MDS/39933 .
You may find relief from both inhalation and a cannabis oil. Just by chance if you live in California contact https://wamm.org/. If you choose to experiment with cannabis, make sure you have someone with you who will not partake so you feel safe. Everyone reacts differently to cannabis. Remember a little can go a long way. Visit our Intake Methods page for more details.
I hope this is helpful and you get relief quickly.
I feel your pain. My ET started in my late 20s, coming and going, now in my 60s it has returned with a vengance. Every day is painful, my ET is in my head, but some days my upper body trembles also. Every day has a headache from muscles that don’t stop moving and contracting in my neck. Cannot wait to hit pillow at night. Also contributes to heavy upper back pain. I am in process of trying to find and alternative treatment as meds are not helping. I wish you luck on your journey and also hope I find an answer. Stay strong.C
Please investigate Deep brain stimulation. I have had essential tremor for 20 years — had DBS performed last year. Great, great control of tremors — off of all medications.
Please look at this.
My husband has essential tremors and a nurse at our local hospital recently informed him about the benefits of Charlottes Web for his tremors. We live in Washington State where marijuana is legal, but unfortunately, we are having a very hard time trying to find this particular strain or any strain for that matter that has a high CBD low THC. Apparently the places that grow and sell dont feel there is a big enough market for the medicinal plants. You would think that with the proven benefits of medical marijuana, and the legalization for that very purpose, there would be plenty. Unfortunately, the higher THC strains are the biggest sellers so they get top priority.
No idea if you will see this so long after your post here, but some cannabis stores in Washington State are definitely now stocking a variety of high-CBD products. I’m researching this for my gal pal, who has essential tremor that is starting to effect her job performance. (I don’t yet have any conclusive results wrt her ET.) Many medical dispensaries, now closed by the state’s idiotic changes to the law, carried a strain called Sour Tsunami #3, which had a high percentage of CBD and extremely low THC. I saw it work wonders used PRN for treating a variety of symptoms, including nausea, dysmenorrhea, inflammation, and anxiety. Of course, to explore treating something like ET, one would want to use it regularly and consistently throughout the day over a period of time. I have no idea if adding some THC might also help, but I do know that using THC has many more unwanted effects for many people. CBD appears to have few or none. Best of luck to you and your husband.
Thank you for the essential tremor question: THAT IS ME, except I have lived with it ALL my life, now @ 72 there are times I have to eat salad with a spoon, a fork is to much to control. Some days are worse than others. Was put on a beta blocker, it helps for a few hours, Haven’t noticed any side effects but the tremors get worse by the day and I too would like to know if the Stanley Brothers have a formula that might help. Appreciate any and all input.
This article is very interesting, and I am interested if this treatment is available for chronic suffers outside of Colorado. My mom suffers from Migraine disease and fibromyalgia and I know this treatment would be perfect for her. Also what is this red card that I see people are getting?
Hello Sarah,
Thanks for your comment. We are happy to have you as a reader. Check us out on Facebook too! If your mom lives in a medical marijuana state, look up a doctor in your area and get your mom a prescription. Find a dispensary that can talk knowledgeably with you about the chemical content of the different strains that they have. It may be a bit of trial and error to figure out what works for your mom but it very well may give her great relief. For pain you will want something high in CBD if you can get it. As for the red card, I don’t know. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
Thank you for posting this report as it was very informative. I have seen the Sanjay Gupta CNN special and other reports as well, which speak to the medical benefits of cannabis oil in reducing cancerous tumors. My dad has tumors on his liver and my mother has tumors on her pancreas. We are in the process of undergoing treatment through conventional methods, but we are very interested in learning how to obtain cannabis oil for both my parents. How can we obtain this medicine for my parents as we live in Illinois? Also, which strain would be most helpful in reducing tumor growth? Any information would be helpful. Thanks.
Hello Alberto, Thank you for your feedback. I am terribly sorry to hear about your parents. That must be so stressful for you all. Please take a look at the rest of our website when you get the chance. Unfortunately to obtain cannabis legally, your parents are going to have to wait until Jan.2014. Here is some information about the Illinois law http://www.mpp.org/states/illinois. This link give you more of the specifics http://www.mpp.org/states/illinois/IllinoisHB1BillSummary.pdf . I am sure more information will come available quickly. You might go ahead and state the marijuana card approval just as soon as possible so you are ready on the 1st of Jan. Here is a link to Rick Simpson’s website http://www.phoenixtears.ca . It will give you information about how to make cannabis oil and information about the dosing. More than the strain, you really need to be looking for something that is high in THC and CBD for an oil. FYI cannabis oil high in THC is going to have some level of psychoactivity. The patient usually builds tolerance slowly over a 30 day period until they can tolerate a larger daily dose. From there 60 grams of oil is taken over the course of 90 days. It is most likely that cannabis oil will become available in your state when the law goes into effect. In the mean time, I encourage you to learn all you can. I wish my book was finished and I could refer you to that, but it is not. Visit http://www.beyondthc.com this is the website for the Journal of Cannabis in Clinical Practice. This is a great article http://www.beyondthc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Smoke-Signals-3-4.pdf . I encourage you to order a copy of the Winter/Spring 2013 addition of O’Shaughnessy’s on the Beyondthc.com website. It is packed full of information about cannabis oil that will benefit you. I hope this is helpful. Best Wishes, Nishi
My husband was diagnosed of Parkinsons disease 2 years ago, when he was 59. He had a stooped posture, tremors, right arm does not move and also a pulsating feeling in his body. He was placed on Senemet for 8 months and then Siferol was introduced and replaced the Senemet, during this time span he was also diagnosed with dementia. He started having hallucinations, lost touch with. Suspecting it was the medication I took him off the Siferol (with the doctor’s knowledge) him on PD natural herbal formula we ordered from TREE OF LIFE HEALTH CLINIC, his symptoms totally declined over a 3 weeks use of the TREE OF LIFE HEALTH Parkinson’s disease natural herbal formula. He is now almost 61 and doing very well, the disease is totally reversed! (w w w. treeoflifeherbalclinic .com)
I am 47 and have had migraines all my life making it hard to work and live a normal life. Pain meds make me sick and have horrible side effects. I also have Congenital hips displasia, So walking is now a problem to. Get very little sleep, sitting is only for short periods. I live in Canada. I need help. I have been trying to find out how I can use this type of product to live a better life. How can I gt help if the Canadian government doesn’t see this as helpful and better that all the addictive meds or harmful to my body. I would love to have someone email me to see how i can get help.
Hi! Thank you for your comment. Have you seen this article? http://www.truthonpot.com/2013/09/12/how-saskatchewan-might-enforce-new-marijuana-rules-for-doctors
The good folks at http://www.TruthOnPot.com have a section of their website that is about about Canada that might be helpful to you. I really don’t have much knowledge of who to connect with in Canada but hope this link is helpful.
My niece is 27 years old and has been suffering all her life with lennox gaustaut syndrome. She has more than 30 seizures a day and all the medications thru out the years have made her non-verbal and not being able to say or do anything. All the docters have told us there is nothing more they can do. We wtched the show with Dr. Gupta and are hopeful that medical cannabis is not legal in New York State. She is too fragile to travel to CO. Is there anything we can do to stop the seizures she is facing. Thanks for your feedback.
I’m sorry to hear about your niece. Here is what is going on in New York http://www.mpp.org/states/new-york. While it is not possible for you to buy cannabis legally in the state of New York, it could be soon but that is going to take some citizen involvement. Please contact the folks at the Marijuana Policy Project and ask how you can get involved in their lobbying and education efforts. They will be delighted to hear from you! Stories like this one help make a compelling case for legalization. It is highly likely that cannabis would be very beneficial to your niece.
I sure do wish that I could find this oil that is so high in CBD. I am a cancer patient and am using what I call the Rick Simpson Protocol. The oil that I have will work but I think that I need higher CBD and lower amounts of THC. Where I live, there are no dispensaries. You have to know someone. What do I ask for next time I purchase oil. I have been on this protocol for 14 days now. I dont know if it is working but man I feel better, so that is a plus.
Hi Michael glad to hear you feel better. The high THC oil is generally associated with use by cancer patients. The high CBD oil is generally used by epilepsy patients. Unfortunately there is not enough research in this area to really know what to ask for – it’s all an experiment of sorts. Research indicates that when THC and CBD are present together the CBD is effective at dampening any of the potentially uncomfortable side effects of the THC and, that the two cannabinoids together maximize each of their individual therapeutic impact. If you are buying in a state where cannabis is legal, see if you can buy from someone who is having their oil tested for its cannabinoid and terpenoid levels. Terpenoids are a very important part of cannabis medicine.
My husband has a form of Parkinsonism called Multiple System Atrophy (MSA). He is in constant and increasing pain. Opioids don’t seem to help much and have their own debilitating side-effects. He has also tried cortisone injections, physical therapy, Accupuncture, Botox injections, nerve block, various types of body work. We heard about Sativex which is apparently not available in the US. But there must be something similar that is available. He doesn’t want to smoke anything and he doesn’t want to get high. We live in the San Francisco Bay Area. Are there doctors or clinics or dispensaries you could suggest/recommend? His neurologist seems reluctant. I am assuming we want to get a high CBD to TCH ( or is it THC) ratio. Any help would be so appreciated, also anyone dealing with MSA who has ideas. Thanks.
Thank you for your inquiry. Regarding dispensaries, check out https://weedmaps.com/ to find a dispensary near you. California NORML has a list of San Francisco area physicians http://listings.canorml.org/physicians/listings.lasso?-token.county=san%20francisco. Maybe one of them can be helpful. We do not know any of them and cannot speak to the quality of care they may provide nor their qualifications. Researching them and then interviewing them is a good place to start. Vaporizing is a safe alternative to smoking. It can provide immediate relief without the irritants and potentially harmful substances created when plant material is combusted. Getting “high” is different for different people. It could be as mild a feeling as being relaxed and peaceful in one’s body. The nature of the high is dependent on the users body chemistry, the chemistry of the plant material they are using and the amount of herb used. THC has MANY properties that would benefit your husband. THC is an strong pain reliever, anti-spasmodic, antioxidant, muscle relaxant,anti-inflammatory, and protects the nervous system. THC and CBD together are more powerful than either of them are on their own. Keep in mind that ingesting a product made with cannabis will magnify the psychoactive effect. When THC processes in through the stomach and then the liver it is converted to alpha-hydroxy 11 which delivers more psychoactivity. The other important factor to consider are the terpenes. These chemicals contribute GREATLY to the nature of the high and the therapeutic benefit of a particular cannabis sample. You are very lucky to live in California because you have access to tested plant material. This will make it much easier to figure out over time what gives your husband the maximum amount of relief. I have great respect for the work on Dr. Jeff Raber, owner of the Werc Shop, a cannabis testing lab. If I lived in California I would want to buy from a dispensary that used his lab for testing. They are one of the few labs testing for terpenes. There are a couple of others that are doing it too. You might call the http://thewercshop.com/ to see if they can give you a list of area dispensaries that use them for testing. Additionally their website is a quality source of information. You might refer your husband’s neurologist to The Pot Book by Dr. Julie Holland http://www.amazon.com/dp/1594773688?tag=cronreli-20&camp=14573&creative=327641&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=1594773688&adid=0WGFYBPSQAPNNH76JBPV&&ref-refURL=http%3A%2F%2Fmychronicrelief.com%2Fstore%2F. It will give him/her a good starting point. You might also suggest that the neurologist do a quick search on http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed. This is a an online database of global medical research. There is a tremendous amount of research available there about cannabis and parkinsons. Also, visit the resources page of this website at https://mychronicrelief.com/resources/. At the bottom of the page are some excellent research articles. Google Scholar is also a good resource as is this link on the website of Americans For Safe Access http://www.safeaccessnow.org/research . Circle back and let us know how you and your husband fare. We wish you both relief!
My mom has MSA. Would you please tell me if you went ahead and bought the cannabis, what kind, did it work and how it worked?
Thank you.
Thank you for your comment. The answer to your question is it depends on the person. Each person may have to try different cannabis samples to find the right one for them remembering that what works for one individual may not work for another. It really depends on what you are trying to manage or control with the cannabis. This page https://mychronicrelief.com/cannabis-science/cannabinoids may be helpful to you in gaining a better understanding of what cannabis profile might best serve your mom. This is also a good reference http://steephilllab.com/resources/cannabinoid-and-terpenoid-reference-guide. I hope this is helpful. Blessings to you and your mom.
Hi there. Amazing work/research, thank you. I live in Canada and a medical marijuana licence is difficult to obtain. I don’t need need this medicine myself (at least not yet!) But I know many who could benefit from it. I don’t smoke or use marijuana myself, therefore I may have more legitamicy debating the argument with authorities in my area in than the stereotyped “pot heads” who need the medication to live a better life. I would like to help if I can, my brother has schizophrenia and the medication he is on I believe hurts his head more than it helps him. Do you make the oil using traditional methods? Or is there a safer/better way? Thanks in advance 🙂
Thank you for the kind words. Hooray for you for being willing to speak up about cannabis. I admire your desire to help your brother and wish there was more I could do to support you in that. Please sign up for our newsletter. You have prompted me to add this schizophrenia to our list of blog topics. There is much to say about this topic as it is a highly complex issue that is not well understood at this point.
In my perfect world we here at Chronic Relief would make cannabis oil using a CO2 extraction method from our organically grown cannabis. But we don’t. This website and blog come to you from Texas. The only things we have to sell are in our store at https://mychronicrelief.com/store/. We are Amazon and Got Vape affiliates and have a few cannabis related downloads. When you buy from our store it helps support our educational efforts.
You may find this newly posted blog to be of interest in your quest to learn more about cannabis oil. https://mychronicrelief.com/purchasing-cannabis-oil/
Our friends at Leaf Science recently published this blog that may also be of interest to you http://www.leafscience.com/2013/12/08/marijuana-cause-schizophrenia-harvard-study-finds/. In my research for my upcoming book Chronic Relief, I’ve read several journal articles where the investigators also believe that CDB a non-psychoactive cannabinoid might provide relief to schizophrenics. Hope this is helpful.
I am glad I saw this video.
People always looked at me like I was nuts when I said that my seizures stayed away when I smoked pot and had taken myself off my medication.
A year (or not even) after I quit smoking pot, I had 2 gran mal seizures (one resulting in chewing a chunk off the side of my tongue) and the other I was so physically and mentally drained from it that I slept for days and it gave me high blood pressure for a couple months (at 23 years old).
Seriously considering going back to the way I was doing things before, especially since seeing this video.
I’m 51, smoked weed from 15-41yrs of age. I was never a heavy stoner, just a few puffs a day when stressed. Quit smoking to appease my husband, and didn’t want my young children to find out. I was diagnosed at 42 as a Bipolar 1, rapid cycler, suffering also with PTSD, and ANXIETY. My life has turned into a nightmare!! I’ve been on so many pharmaceutical drugs, currently on Trileptal & Xanax. I’m having so many side effects. I am just coming out of a suicidal depression, I may not live thru another on of these. I’m desperate!! I live in Texas. Where do I go for help?? I want to live!! I have a 13 & 15 yr old. All I know is as a young adult I never had this illness, after stopping my intake of cannabis I’m now living with a diagnosis, and taking antipsychotic, anti-convulsant meds…..and the doctors don’t know how they work. Please give me info. Please help.
Hello My Fellow Texan. I’m sorry for your struggle. This sounds like an awful experience. As you know cannabis is illegal in Texas. However, it is fairly abundant depending on where you are. Do you think the meds are what has created the suicidal depression? Suicidal thoughts are a side-effect of Xanax. You might benefit from finding a doctor that has an integrated medicine approach. That would be someone who is not perscription happy, but instead is willing to look at you as a whole person, not just put a band aid over the problem by treating symptoms not the cause. A great way to find such a doctor is by contacting a natural pharmacy in your area – someone who does compounding or sells natural supplements as well as has a pharmacy. People’s Pharmacy in Austin may be a good resrouce regardless of where you live. You might go one step further to look for a pharmacy that carries neurotransmitter testing kits. Those pharmacies will have a list of doctors that they work with who are more advanced than the mainstream doctor. If I were in your shoes, I would have my neurotransmitters tested so you and your doctor really know what brain chemicals to balance. Zanax impacts your GABA neurotransmitters. It could be that the Zanax is creating an imbalance in your brain chemistry that causes all of these awful feelings you are experiencing. The Edge Effect is a book available in our store that might be helpful to you. It explains in laymen’s terms how our brain chemistry works and how different neurotransmitters impact our health and personalities. This book was a great help to me when I suffered a depression. A good doctor that understands how neurotransmitters work, will likely be able to help you wean off of those prescriptions safely and at the same time use nutritional supplements instead to get you back on track. If you are in a major city, you might benefit from connecting with one of the NORML patient support groups. Their is a wealth of knowledge within these circles. Cannabis has been shown to help relieve PTSD. Did you see our blog about that? It is also highly effective at relieving anxiety. I encourage you to join forces with TX NORML and the Patients Alliance for Cannabis Therapuetics. We will be lobbying the Texas legislature to change Texas cannabis laws. We have a long way to go but together, I think we can get there. Will you let us know how you progress?
I live in Florida, My husband has had parkinson’s disease for 7 years and does not take medication because of the side effects, has tried different medications but feels horrible after taking them, so he decided not to take anything. He used to smoke weed to relax when he has younger. He is now 65 and tried smoking it again but he gets paranoia. I have seen cbd oil been sold online a company called “cibdex” but I am afraid to order, don’t trust buying this online… Any recommendations? since we live in FLorida and have no access to Drs. here? Thank You
Thank you for your comment. I’m sorry to hear about your husband’s struggles.
Paranoia can sometimes be related to a high THC content. You guys might 1st experiment with using a different cannabis sample and less cannabis to begin with. Using cannabis medically is very different than recreationally. Sometimes a puff or two will deliver a therapeutic result without the paranoia. Also, if you can find someone who is growing for patients, they may have plant material with CDB. Anything over 4% CBD should provide a strong dampening effect on the THC which may be causing the paranoia.
Some of the ancient medical texts suggest pistachios, pine nuts, pine oil and lemon juice as an antidote to negative side effects of cannabis. This is not something that I’ve tried or something I have seen backed up in scientific literature but drinking some lemon juice in water or eating some pistachios seems like a harmless experiment to me.
Using a vaporizers versus a pipe may also help too because it should make it possible to get more medicine in one drag without the unwanted tars – plus it’s more economical.
As far as buying CBD products on the internet….it’s not something I would do.
Did you see this link https://mychronicrelief.com/purchasing-cannabis-oil on our website? It will give you some tips on what to consider when buying cannabis oil.
Also this may be of interest http://www.leafscience.com/2013/10/16/cannabinoids-slow-parkinsons-study-explains It talks about the neuroprotective benefits of Parkinson’s Disease. FYI THC and CBD together are much more powerful a medicine than either one of them on their own.
I’m currently researching Cannabis Tea for my upcoming book. which may be something you would want to look into.
The Dutch Office of Medical Cannabis in The Netherlands encourages their medical cannabis users to make their tea as follows:
The Dutch Office of Medical Cannabis in The Netherlands suggests “add 1.0 g of cannabis to 1.0L of boiling water and let simmer for 15 min. Filter out solid parts by using a common tea-sieve. Tea can be consumed immediately or stored in a closed bottle in a refrigerator for up to 5 days” (Arno Hazekamp, 2007). It helps to add a little coffee creamer to the mix to improve stability. They suggest only consuming 1 cup per day. This will yield a lower THC product but a higher THCa (non-psychoactive) product which is thought to have immune modulating effects one of which is lower inflammation which is an important factor in treating Parkinson’s. There is little literature about tea but it is commonly used in Jamaica to support the immune system.
It looks like Florida is moving towards legalization. This will make it much easier to get what you guys really need. I encourage you to get involved with the local NORML chapter and reach out to your elected officials to let them know what legalization would mean to you!
If you like what we are doing here at Chronic Relief, I invite you to sign up for our newsletter at https://www.facebook.com/MyChronicRelief/app_100265896690345 and engage with us on Facebook!
Good luck to you both! I hope this is helpful.
Hello, I have a 14 year old nephew in Chile who has been diagnose with an aggressive form of Leukemia, he is undergoing treatment right now but the results are not too favorable, recently doctors discovered cancerous cells in his optic nerve and one of the doctors recommended cannabis oil high in THC to be used instead of morphine as an alternative medicine. I live in Colorado and would like to know where if possible can cannabis oil be purchased, also if can be transported for medicinal purpose with a medical prescription without infringing any international laws or legal ramifications. your help and any advise you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you and God Bless you!!
5 yrs ago I had a stroke(wallenberg syndrome). I wasn’t diagnosed until two weeks after initial onset of symptoms, mainly because I didn’t seek any emergency medical treatment for a week. Very, very lucky to have survived the first night, I was only 36yrs old. I went through physical, speech and occupational therapy and truth be told I’m probably the luckiest person on the planet. I was back working and living a pretty normal life after 6months. I have no noticeable facial droop, my speech didn’t change and was only left with a small limp in my gait. I did however lose sensation to touch on the right side of my body from my shoulder to toes and my left side of my face. This lasted for about 6months then in the areas mentioned I had an itchy feeling that has turned into what I can best describe as a bad sunburn sensation 24hrs a day. If someone brushes against my skin it sends me through the roof but I can get punched in the same area and I don’t feel a thing. I’ve tried pain management and the best that they could come up with was Lyrica and that was my wonder drug for about a year. I topped out at 200mg 3xs a day and then the pain was back full force. I tried smoking marijuana a few times not knowing that it would have any effect on my pain level and was surprised when it worked better than the Lyrica. Currently I am not taking anything for pain, when I first stopped taking the Lyrica My pain level went through the roof to a 10. After 6months now I’d say it’s down to 7 or 8 daily. I guess my question is can you tell me a strain of cannabis that works best for thalamic pain syndrome(I think that’s what this pain is) or if you know of anything that I can do to get some relief. I really don’t want to start taking pills again but I don’t know how much longer that I can take this pain. Some more info on me – I have also had 2 heart attacks 1 year apart, 1 year after the stroke. I currently take Effient and Coumadin for a clotting condition that the doctors say caused the heart attacks. I live in Ohio so marijuana isn’t legal yet but it’s coming and I would like to be ready when it does. Any info that you can give me will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Thank you, Chris, for your comment. I’m sorry to hear about your pain. My mother had a similar experience with Lyrica. It worked beautifully for the first month. Quickly it made her feel terrible and totally disassociated from her body and reality – it took her joy.
Per your question about strains that address pain, it varies from person to person but you might try some of the purple strains such as Cherry Pie, Purple Kush, Grandaddy Purp, The Purps, Purple Erkel, Grape Ape, Purple Dragon, Strawberry Cough, to name a few. Blue strains may also be helpful such as Blue Dream, Blue Moonshine, Blueberry, Blue Cheese. The website https://www.leafly.com is designed to give detailed strain information as well as customer reviews.
A couple of things to keep in mind as you consider strains are:
1) Different strains can have varying effects on different people.
2) A sample of Blue Dream from one grower may be COMPLETELY different from the Blue Dream from another grower – don’t get too caught up in strain names. When cannabis becomes legal in your state, testing labs will pop up and you will be able to buy cannabis on cannabinoid and terpenoid content. This will help you discern which plant sample is best for you. I think you will find that the terpene profile will contribute greatly to your success in managing pain. Once you dial in on the THC and CBD percentages or ratio that works for you, the difference between plant samples may very well lie in the terpene profile.
3) Because of your heart condition, please be careful with strains that are extremely high in THC and low in CBD. This could increase heart rate. A cannabis wise physician/practitioner will be able to help you figure out the right ratio of THC:CBD. THC and CBD are more powerful together than either of them are alone. A High CBD strain is considered to have at least 4% CBD. You will ultimately need to experiment with a few strains to figure it out. You may also find that it is helpful to rotate several strains and have a day time and a night time strain.
4) Consider that sometimes less is more in the management of pain. Cannabis has been proven to be effective in the management of many different kinds of pain. However, some strains or too much of a certain strain has increased pain levels in some people. If you have that experience, either back off of your intake and/or try a different strain. Check out this article http://www.cannabinologist.org/Documents/CJP-final.pdf by Dr. Sunil Aggarwal about the clinical studies that look at cannabis for pain management.
5) Your endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a system in your body that helps manage your immunity and pain among other things. This is the system in the body which produces chemicals that mimic those in the cannabis plant (cannabinoids). The ECS is your internal harm reduction system. Click here https://mychronicrelief.com/cannabis-science to to learn more about the ECS. It what brings your body back into balance at all times. When this system is stressed, imbalance occurs and manifests as pain, dis-ease, or illness. The short story here is that you can support your ECS by feeding it the nutrients it needs to function. Those nutrients are essential fatty acids that your body cannot produce and must get from food. Those foods include hemp seeds, hemp oil, fish oil and chia seeds to name a few. By adding these nutrients to your diet, you will help boost your ECS – and likely reduce your pain level.
I hope this information is helpful to you! Blessings to you. Nishi
Thank you very much for the information and prompt reply. Its very obvious to me that I have plenty of reading (learning) to do when it comes to THC vs EDC %s and their relationship to pain. And I’ve never even heard of ECS, so again thank you very much. Having chronic pain, just hearing from you with new information and hope made my day. To the staff and all of your readers, please have a Safe and Happy Holidays.
I wonder if you’ll see this (nearly 4 years on)!
And whether you ever worked out a CBD:THC ratio that works for you, or a particular plant strain.
I also had a Wallenberg brainstem medullary stroke (2013). I took a big hit, with a multitude of deficits that still debilitate me daily. However not the sciatic pain that I know some is struggle with. But I do suffer painful and chronic headaches. I manage this with CBD dominant oils taking sublingually, primarily Charlotte’s Web, but also other organic European CBD hemp oils. I find it has reduced the severity of my pain, and also helped with the stroke ‘brain fog’ – I can concentrate better and for longer periods. I also have altered facial sensations, similar to frost bite, that I manage with a CBD rich salve.
I like to add small amounts of THC and THCA to my cannabinoid regimen, to get some extra relief. I’ve found smoking THC rich cannabis can overwhelm my compromised brain however, my balance problems due to stroke tend to worsen!
Hope you’re doing well these days.
I recently read a study about the effects of CBD oil, Charlotte’s Web…non THC…on open angle glaucoma. It said that the CBD oil actually increased the Intraocular Pressure…making glaucoma worse. I was getting ready to order some CBD Hemp Oil until I read that study. Now I am cautious. I do understand that high THC cannabis reduces the Intraocular pressure and that would be beneficial, but it is not legal in my home state and I also have a strong panic reaction to THC. And I understand it must be smoked continuously throughout the day because the pressure is only reduced for as long as the high lasts.
Have you any knowledge about CBD Hemp Oil being GOOD for glaucoma?
Many thanks!
Take a look at this link http://www.cannabis-med.org/index.php?vt=glaucoma&lng=en&tpl=search&s_site=on&s_iacm=on&s_can=on&s_journal=on&s_def=on&s_faq=on&Suchen=Search there is considerable information on this topic both about CBD and THC for glaucoma. If you choose to try cannabis, you have many different intake options. Smoking all day in not required. Blessings to you!
I have read the articles on the links that you suggest. There is a lot of medical jargon that the lay person cannot understand. It seems to indicate that 1) it is the THC that has the effect on eye pressure and 2) it can increase the pressure and then decrease it. So I am still at a loss to understanding what effects the CBD oil may have. Or do you supply cannabis with high THC content also?
I have researched the topic of CBD oils ( high CBD/minimal THC) being used as an antipsychotic. An alternative, with therapy and other supplements, to atypical antipsychotics which have several side effects. I would love to find and purchase an oil with very high CBD concentrations and low THC. Can I do that through Realm of Caring?
Thank you!
Thank you for your comment. You will need to contact the ROC directly at http://www.theroc.us/ . Their focus has been on serving children with intractable Epilepsy. The demand for their product is high so they are expand their business. This link http://www.cannabis-med.org/?lng=en is a great resource. Use the search bar to type in various words like “antipsychotic” and see what articles they have that will be useful to you. Blessings to you.
I started Megan in Charlotte web about five days ago and I have to say I see a difference in her yes it is a little early for me to jump the gun and get a excited but if she stays like this on it I will keep giving it to Megan I believe it is a miracle from God . thank u Stanley’s brothers for making this
Greg from Healthy Hemp referred me to you. I live in OR where medical and recreational marijuana are both legal as of 10/1/15, Because I have been suffering from migraine headaches every day since January and neurological treatment pharmaceuticals are not giving me much relief; I have done some experimenting with marijuana capsule/oil products. I usually get 3-4 days relief. However, the THC is quite bothersome to me. Research tells me the best strain I can get of high CBD and almost no THC is Charlotte’s Web. I am ready to order some CW oil but I don’t know a thing about dosing, etc. and cannot find anyone that can help answer my questions. Can you help educate me some more? I have to admit I am pretty ignorant in this area but do know I am having serious reactions to THC, including a trip to the ER. Weird, but true…Thank you.
Thank you for your inquiry. I’m sorry you are suffering. FYI I am not a doctor. What I am sharing here is for informational purposes. You should look for a cannabis wise doctor. I know there are some in Oregon, but unfortunately I don’t know any by name to recommend to you.
Cannabis has been used for the treatment of headaches and migraines for centuries. I cannot help but wonder if you aren’t using too much cannabis. Have you tried vaporizing or using a tincture? This may make it easier for you to titrate the dose to avoid overconsumption and the unwanted side effects of the THC. For many the THC is required to provide relief but the balance of the CBD will reduce the negatives of the THC and magnify the positives. You might consider trying something that is a 1:1 or 1:2 THC:CBD for the day and a 2:1 for the evening. THCV shows promise in the literature as well as a possible treatment for migraine. Establishing dosing protocol is tough because cannabis is a highly individualized therapeutic agent.
The International Association of Pain publish the article, Cannabis for migraine treatment: the once and future prescription? An historical and scientific review, by neurologist Ethan Russo which says: “In essence, 10 mg of oral THC vs. 60 mg of codeine, and 20 mg of THC vs. 120 mg of codeine relieved the subjective pain burden of patients by similar decrements. The effects of 10 mg of THC were well tolerated, but at 20 mg, sedation and psychic disturbances bothered many of the elderly Cannabis-naive subjects.”
Please keep in mind that THC can have biphasic effects meaning that at a low dose it can be very effective treatment but in some people the pain can be increased with high doses. This is why I wonder if you would be better served by vaporizing or a tincture with a lower dose. It is also important to take a look at diet and exercise for relief. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet, getting plenty of rest and gentle regular exercise may help too! So many people that I know with migraine headaches also get relief from Amino-Mag (chelated magnesium by Douglas Labs) 200 mg twice daily as a preventive. About 5% of people will get diarrhea or GI upset, and a few of those respond to a lower dose. Other magnesium preparations don’t work and should be avoided. One of the physician’s I’ve worked with in writing my book, suggested magnesium to me for migraine treatment. He has had great success with magnesium for his migraine patients – up to 70% of patients got great relief when they added magnesium.
Getting back to cannabis… You might also look for strains that have a-pinene, b-myrcene and linalool. They are known to be analgesic terpenes. FYI the myrcene is a sedative and is what many people believe results in the feeling of couch lock. It is not preferred for daytime use.
You may also take a moment to visit https://www.projectcbd.org/condition/31/Migraine. The first article on the list suggests that migraines could be a result endocannabinoid deficiency. The building blocks for our endocannabinoids, or the cannabinoids within, are not found in the body but in essential fatty acids. The easiest way to add those to the diet is by eating hemp oil, and products made with hemp seed. This is a natural way to support your internal harm reduction system AKA the endocannabinoid system. I hope this is helpful and that you get relief soon.
Let us know how you are doing. Blessings to you! Nishi
My 2 year old has been battling seizures since she was 6 months old. She was diagnosed with Dravet syndrome last year. Medications don’t work. We are currently doing cranio sacral therapy with some success. She stoop has the seizures. They started out lasting an hour now they last less than 5 minutes. This morning she a cluster of 3 seizures in the same hour. We really want to try the cannabis oil but need to know how to take it, where to get, and just some guidance to get my daughter taken care of. Look forward to hearing from you.
Hello Mike,
I’m so very sorry to hear about your child and her seizures. That must be very stressful for you and your entire family. The Realm of Caring is a great resource https://www.theroc.us. They have helped many people. As you might imagine, they are inundated with requests for help. We are not affiliated with them, just admirers of their work and advocacy. I’m not sure how quickly they are able to answer all the inquires they receive.
I am not a doctor and cannot really answer your question about how to take cannabis oil for your daughter’s case. Nothing I say here should be construed as medical advice. I am simply sharing information.
Age, weight, other medical considerations are at play here, along with the cannabinoid profile of the cannabis oil you are using, when it comes to establishing dose. This is a great list of resources to help you get your questions answered https://www.projectcbd.org/condition/21/Epilepsy-and-Seizures. This article is a must read: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24237632. I encourage you to find a Facebook group or a chat site for parents of children with Dravet’s. Those who are using cannabis oil are generally very willing to share information with others. Seeing what others are doing and what the research shows as successful will give you a feel for where to start.
CBD is all the rage in the Dravet’s syndrome community, and for good reason, but about 1/3 of seizure patients do require some amount of THC – the amount varies for different patients.
Where you obtain cannabis oil is going to depend on where you live. If you are in a legal state, you may be able to source it locally. Of course there are all kinds of websites selling CBD oil from hemp, that are willing to ship across state lines. Many of those folks say that since they are selling CBD oil from hemp, that it is legal. The DEA disagrees but has not taken action against companies selling CBD oil from hemp or people using it. It is a gray area for sure. Here is a lengthy but good article to get your head around the issue https://www.projectcbd.org/article/hemp-oil-hustlers. CBD oil product from imported hemp have gotten mixed reviews. You will want to do your homework and the links and websites posted in this comment will help.
It is my personal opinion that cannabis oil is superior to high CBD hemp oil. The reason is that hemp is an industrial crop and a bioremediator (meaning it cleans the toxins from the soil and holds it in the plant). It is hard to know where a company is sourcing the hemp that they use to make the CBD oil. CBD is found in the highest concentration in the trichome, which sits on the outside of the plant leaf and flower. When using hemp to make CBD oil a very high volume of hemp must be used to get the desired CBD. Thus, there is often the question of contamination. If I had a sick child, I’d want to know that what I was giving her was a clean and safe product. If you live in a legal state, you will be able to have the cannabis oil tested to ensure that it is free of biological toxins, mold, bacteria, pesticides and heavy metals. One company that I believe is very clinical in the production of cannabis oil and uses cannabis not hemp is http://www.cbd.org. I’ve not toured their facility, but have seen a few videos of their production process which they control from beginning to end.
I hope this information is helpful to you.
Blessings to you!
This is very helpful. Thank you for your comment. It was very insightful. I will take a look at the resources you gave and join some groups as well. Thanks again.
Hello, I’m a criminal trapped inside a disorder called “The messiah trap”.
You may wonder how a criminal can be a Messiah per se.
I grew up in conditions that nurtured the disorder I would only discover while incarcerated. It was the disorder, my desire, that led to the decisions I made to fit in, that ended with my incarceration. After, my imprisonment the poor decisions continued. My desire, my need, to help others overpowered many of my thoughts to stay at a safe distance. I often threw myself into dangerous situations not understanding or carding about the outcome. It was really becoming a disability. I’d give someone money I could not afford to, I would trust people I clearly should not, I was unable to focus on myself. It was when I began using THC that I can trace back my ability to say no. I had to say yes in order to say no. I’m currently in a study at Georgetown University
About altruism. Particularly, altruistic living donors. My disorder that led to so many bad or dangerous situations had led me to make a historic decision. I learned about living donation and researched with no impediment. Oct 20, 2004 I donated a kidney to someone I did not know. The operation was well documented as was the subsequent media attention to my detriment. The saying is true; no good deed goes unpunished. My entire world began to collapse , had collapsed.
Enter my hero, marijuana. I began experimenting with it heavily. It took years to notice it’s positive effects. My decisions quit getting me into so much trouble. I still like helping people but I do it more wisely. Depression no longer drives me to do stupid things. I calmed down and feel quite normal about my feelings. I think I was cured. Even if I am the only person that understands how or why. My brain may be different than most people’s I hear. Georgetown University hopes to unlock altruism and super social behavior but realistically, I will be long gone before they find the key. I can only attribute MJ with my recovery, my introduction to the norm. The only other medication I use is an over the counter antihistamine for graphic dermographia ( im allergic to touch!)
I have volunteered to be tested and have my brain Studied by X-ray at Georgetown U.
Too many people lack empathy, some poses too much. I hope one day a balance will be found and suspect it will be through this plant.
Thank you for sharing your story. You are brave to allow your brain to be studied. It is such a fascinating organ. I’m pleased for you that you are getting relief from cannabis. This is the first time, I’ve heard of it benefiting someone in the way it has you. This is eye opening and proof that the cannabis plant is a treasure trove of healing in ways that we do not yet understand. I hope you continue to receive these benefits and find happiness and peace along the way. Blessings to you!
Hello all, my name is Cheryl…I have had incredible results with cbd. So much that I now work for online CBD retailer . We sell highly regarded and well tested products, including Charlotte’s Web. Last week our store , along with many others were shut down by our banking systems. CBD is legal due to having only trace amounts of THC. However, it is still listed as a class one drug. Hence , the banking fear.
My question….where can we turn , who do we call or write to get the ball rolling on undoing this? All cannabis, yes, but we could at least start with CBD!
Thanks for listening!
My wife is afflected with essential tremors. In the past 6 months it has progressed from tremors in her hands to her upper trunk, neck and head tremor. It is similar to tremors associated with Parkinson’s desease.
Her Neurologist ran tests to confirm it is not Parkinson’s, and thankfully…it is not. None the less, this condition has taken a heavy toll on her…and me. My wife has become recluse and depressed because of the continued head shaking and tremors. It has now affected her voice. The doctor has prescribed medicines that have adverse side effects. Anxiety causes her tremors to become much worse. She will not smoke cannabis as it makes her parinoid. Has anyone that suffers from essential tremors found relief using CBD oil?
I also have essential tremors and am about to try cbd oil starting next week. my case is not as severe as your wife’s as it is mainly my hands that shake, The rest of my body will shake only when lifting weight or under pressure. I have been taking propranolol to ease the shaking for the past year but it is not working anymore and do not want to up the dose as it makes me drowsy.
This causes a lot of trouble for me at work as I am an electrician.
I will let you know how it goes in a few weeks time and whether it helps or not.
Hello. My name is Adam. I was wondering if you have any information or could please direct me to any news on the effects (good and bad) of cbd oil and high blood pressure/hypertension? I recently purchased Charlotte’s Web Oil to see if it relieves my chronic pain and arthritis. What I’m concerned about is CW raising my BP which is already too high. The medication I take keeps it in check but are making me sick with their side effects. Thank you very much for your time.
I’ve been diagnosis with Corticobasal Degrnration Syndrone. It is a Parkinsonism. I am on several medications. We spoke to my neurologist and Since we are in Indiana he can’t condon it but said he herad good things My question is how does it interact with the other meds. Do we stop those or continue. Courrentlyn on sinemet, colazampa, Arcept , Prozac. Also on meds for overactive bladder which goes hand in hand with neurological diseases. Eventually I will lose my ability to waLk or talk or eat
Another concern Is I have a son who Is a drug addict. I’m concern about haviing this in the home. I’m againist all drugs and have had him in a and out of rehab for years. How can I take this now to help me when I have been preaching to him not to do it and i
It can’t be in the house or any paraphernalia as it is against the law in Indiana
I live in Vermont and cannabis is legal for medical use but insurance only pays for adults. I have two children with epilepsy, Trisha 11, an Damian 12. Trisha has Grandmall/ Partial Complex Epilepsy, Damian has Partial Complex
Epilepsy. Damian has had over 200 seizures in 2 hours, Trisha has them every day and night averaging 50-100 seizures at night and 20 early morning to mid-day. I have seen a lot of different types of seizures in the 4 years that they have been having them, they both do crazy stuff during them. I think one of the scariest aspects of my children’s epilepsy is that they are life threatening they were both wish kids! Damian has been seizure free for 2 years, and Trisha’s aren’t controlled by medicine, she has a buffet of meds. I want to raise awareness here in Vermont so that people know how important it is to have cannabis available for anyone who needs it, adult or child. Kids can get some really nasty seizure medication that can cause serious side effects an the drugs interact with each other differently. Trisha is 11 and she has been wearing pull-ups for almost 2 years cause of a medication that they put her on and then left her on it for to long, also where the seizures are in her brain is the frontal lobe which can cause her not to be able to tell when she has to pee. I find it unfair to not be able to get this drug because I can not work an my husband can only work part-time cause Trisha has a lot of appointments and she also gets violent, please help us spread the word here in Vermont!!! My child was on Depakote for almost three years and I never saw my little girl she was just some stranger in her body but now that she is off of it, she is more interactive with people and aware, it is amazing that I can see her again!! Parents need to know more about these medications and how they interact with each other, also they need to know that they can say no to a drug if it has really bad side effects, knowledge of epilepsy and medication is mandatory. I am not a doctor and I deal with two children who have them, places that we needed to take her when she was trying to kill me wouldn’t take her, it blows my mind!! I can not believe that hospitals with neurologists wouldn’t take her because she was actively seizing. I have been doing this for 4 years now and I feel more like a nurse then a mother, please spread the word so that people don’t feel alone with this debilitating disease.
I would just like to share that I, too truly believe in the power of CBD. I am using water soluble BioCBD products to calm the autoimmune response. It works to reduce inflammation, seizures, nerve pain, and in reducing tumors.
I am trying to find out any information on urine THC levels in people taking Charlotte’s Web. I bought it for my 25-year-old son who is HD Autistic and has been getting migraines since he was two. However I would like to try it for my pain from arthritis and fibromyalgia. I am on pain management, so if I have a positive urine test I will be dismissed from the medical practice. Any information on urine THC for Charlotte’s Web and how long it takes for urine to come back negative for THC when using Charlotte’s Web would be helpful.
Victim of Essential Tremor & as it worsens it might as well be Parkinsons. I keep Charlottes Web Everyday Advanced on hand (expensive & the most powerful in their line but I trust the quality) Taking it @ recommended dose of 1/8 teas 3 X a day will lessen the anxiety as the tremors increase BUT no help with the tremors. IF a higher dose would control the tremors by 30% I would start tomorrow BUT I have no idea what that dose would be? A tablespoon? 2 Tablespoons? CAN ANYONE SUGGEST A DOSE FOR THE TREMOR? I KNOW THAT REALM OF CARING cannot offer medical advice but I will listen to anyone who has tested & tried different doses. I CANNOT tolerate any THC so that is not an option. If you are uncomfortable responding here, email me @ dickrenoud@yahoo.com THANKS