WaWhoooo! We have successfully launched our crowdfunding campaign on Rocket Hub! Our goal is to raise $18K to cover the cost of publishing our book Chronic Relief: A guide to cannabis for the terminally and chronically ill. Who knew publishing is so expensive? But we consider it a great investment in spreading knowledge about healing powers of cannabis. The following is our official press release. Click here for the downloadable version.
RocketHub Funding Sought to Publish Cannabis Guide for the Sick & Suffering
Book Explains How & Why Cannabis Works as Medicine
Austin, Texas – Curious about cannabis (aka marijuana)? Author Nishi Whiteley launches a Rocket Hub campaign to generate capital to publish her book, Chronic Relief: a guide to cannabis for the terminally & chronically ill. Whiteley was inspired to write the book after her mother had such a positive experience with cannabis at the end of her battle with lung cancer. “Cannabis gave my mom relief that her prescription medications did not,” said Whiteley. “I want others to have the benefit of my mother’s experience.” Whiteley has written a compelling book that is part personal narrative, part research paper and part practical guide allowing readers to decide if cannabis is right for them and how to proceed. While the book is packed with scientific references, it is written in layman’s terms intended for those new to cannabis. The book will help the reader understand:
- Why cannabis is a safe and versatile medicine
- How it works in the body to protect the brain, fight cancer, slow aging, and reduce pain and inflammation
- Intake methods
- Risks of cannabis use & ways to mitigate them
- Components of cannabis and how they address various symptoms.
Why Crowdfund on Rocket Hub?
RocketHub is one of the many crowdfunding platforms that makes it possible for like-minded people to come together to fund ideas, projects and products that are important to them. Whiteley intends to raise $18,000 or more to cover the cost of professional editing, indexing, design, illustration and publishing the book. The campaign will last 45 days.
Medicinal Cannabis Fights Pain & Inflammation?
Twenty states plus the District of Columbia have some sort of medical marijuana laws. Over 83% of American support legalization of medical marijuana and in 2012 the states of Colorado and Washington voted to legalize cannabis for personal and medicinal use. In 2012 over two million Americans held medical cannabis cards.
Whiteley says, “Americans are curious about cannabis. They are beginning to realize that much of the information they have been taught about cannabis is based on misinformation and fear, not science and reason. It is time we bring science to the forefront of the conversation about cannabis and dissolve the cloud of shame, secrecy and controversy around the use of this legitimate medicine and empower millions of people to get the relief they deserve.”
Who Can This Book Help?
With over 100 million Americans suffering in chronic pain, she expects her project will resonate with people who are not getting the relief they need from their prescription medicines. Whiteley says of Rocket Hub, “I really appreciate their willingness to approve our project and give us the platform to connect with our audience to raise awareness about cannabis and get the information to the people who need it the most. We have a pain and sickness problem in this country. Cannabis can help. And, Rocket Hub is helping us get that message out!” Join and follow the Chronic Relief campaign at http://www.rockethub.com/projects/32069-chronic-relief-cannabis-guide-for-the-terminally-chronically-ill
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